How to Become a Member.
Member Categories.
CCI classifies its organisational members into full and associate members.
A non-profit organisation, or an association, applying for full CCI membership must be in existence for at least six months prior to applying for full membership. Childhood cancer initiatives should be your sole mandate/focus and majority of members in the Board must consist of parents, other family members of a child/adolescent with cancer (e.g., siblings, legal guardians, grandparents, aunts/uncles, first cousins) involved in the direct care of the child/adolescent, or survivors of childhood cancer diagnosed from birth to age 19 who are now adults.
A non–profit organisation, or association, applying for CCI associate membership must be in existence for at least two years prior to applying for CCI membership. Childhood cancer initiatives should be among your major focuses. It is prefered that your Board has at least one parent, or one family member of a child/adolescent with cancer (involved in the direct care of the child/adolescent), or a survivor of childhood cancer (diagnosed from birth to age 19 who are now adults).
CCI Membership Application Form and required documents.
Membership fees.
Since Childhood Cancer International is a not for profit organization, in order to support its operations and provide members with necessary services, CCI charges its member organizations joining/membership fees.
More importantly, membership fees enables CCI to undertake international advocacy and partnership building initiatives, convening of regional and international conferences as well as providing technical guidance and assistance to member organizations especially those that are newly organized or are in developing countries .
Each member organization is obliged to pay the membership fee in order to maintain their good standing in the association and be eligible to apply for stipends /scholarships for annual regional and international conferences. The CCI full membership fee is € 600 per year for member organizations who come from high income countries, according to OECD classification or fall within the designated organizational annual income bracket .
The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ) classification is based on the income level of the country and is used by the United Nations, World Bank and other international development organizations in deciding how much aid or development assistance they require.
Organizations from OECD Middle Income Countries are eligible for reduced fees of 300 euro per year while those from Low Income Countries are eligible for reduced fees of 150 euro per year. Applications should be sent at the beginning of the year.
There is also a possibility for newly organized associations, affiliate organizations and non profit organizations (3 years and less ), with limited resources, to apply for a reduced fee or request “adoption” by a more financially stable CCI member organization.
If you are interested in discussing other ways of supporting, please contact our executive director at: director@cci.care