15th CCI Asia Conference

15th CCI Asia Conference 2023

CCI Asia hosted its 15th CCI Asia Conference on May 20th to 21st, 2023 in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

The conference gathered champions of the childhood cancer cause and subject matter experts to accelerate a greater discussion on advancing for better care and more cures for childhood cancer patients worldwide. 

The conference theme was: “Bridging the Gaps, Better Care and More Cures” aligned with the WHO goal of increasing the survival rate of children with cancer globally to at least 60% by 2030, while reducing their suffering and improving their quality of life.

Member organizations from CCI Asia and stakeholders from the continent attended the meetings. This conference featured discussions on how the childhood cancer community in Asia can come together and move forward in closing equity gaps. Other dialogues were focused on family relationships in caring for a child with cancer, palliative care and survivor’s journey.


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