Thank you for being part of our Survivor's Week webinar!

Over 260 people from more than 70 different countries joined us in our webinar "The Right to be Forgotten,"powered by CCI and SIOP in collaboration with St. Jude, on June 24th.

During both sessions, we had the opportunity to hear inspiring stories from survivors, their families, and caregivers.

Additionally, we were privileged to have Luke Grenfell-Shaw and Michael Crossland, who, through their testimonies, demonstrated that it is possible to overcome adversity and live a fulfilling life after cancer. 


Check the program of the webinar and relive session 1 here:

Opening remarks:

Guillermo Chantada, SIOP Director


Carl Queiros, CCI Director

Survivor Roundtable:

-Nkuli Boikhutso, South Africa

-Baraka Peter, Tanzania

-Tiago Costa, Portugal

-Carla Soto, Chile

-Cruz Perez, USA

Parent Roundtable:

-Maria Gwokyalya, Uganda

-Neil Ranasinghe, UK

Inspirational Speaker:

-Luke Grenfell-Shaw UK


-João de Bragança, President CCI

Check the program of the webinar and relive session 2 here:

Moderator :

-Jordana McLoone (Australia) 

Survivors Roundtable:

-Sandeep Kumar (India) 

-Tiana Kittos (Australia)

-Narendra Shetty (India)

-Baxter Hutchinson (Australia)

Parents Roundtable:

-Michelle Ngeri (Australia) 

-Laurence Hibbert (Australia) 

-Shauna Dagu (Papua New Guinea)

Motivational Speaker:

-Michael Crossland


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